Company Profile

Unicross is a unique technology company with a solid understanding of the economic diligence required to be successful. The executive leadership group has had tremendous success in the industry utilizing a "responsible-growth" strategy. Customer demand for new technologies is tested and proven before capital is committed to grow and expand in new markets, with new products. This philosophy has enabled Unicross to generate positive EBITDA since its inception.

Our vision is to inspire growth and expansion by continuously introducing new services, adding to our portfolio of ICT solutions. Through strategic alliances and key partnerships with major international carriers and providers across the world, Unicross will deliver competitive end-to-end information and communications solutions globally.

Unicross does not carry any long-term institutional debt and therefore is not subject to related covenants and restrictions that may constrain its ability to react to business opportunities. Unicross organic growth has been funded by its existing operations. Unicross enjoys strong support from its Capital sponsors; should opportunities arise that will add value and fit into the responsible growth strategy, Unicross has the ability to react quickly and seize these opportunities. Unicross values its relationships with its customers, vendors, strategic partners and employees and understands that each of these relationships is an integral part to its future success.

Company Values

Values say a lot about an organization. Unicross has always performed with integrity and values. They demonstrate who we are, how to live our mission, and how we'll achieve our vision.

Professional Expertise: We will provide expert know-how based on sound practice

Leadership: We are in a competitive market and therefore strive to be the best

Innovation: We are continuously moving forward; examining new technologies and trends, reaching out to the future.

Customer-centricity: We believe that servicing our customers in a comprehensive manner is the focal point of our business practice. We are dedicated to your business

Customer Service

The customer service is at the heart of our operations and strategy and we do work to establish close relationships with our retail and wholesale customers. Many of the products and services we offer are typically in constant use by customers and tightly integrated into their daily operational activity. In this regard, our sales and technical staff are constantly trying to develop a profound understanding of the ways in which they are used, how they contribute to the success of customers' business, how they might be further developed to generate additional value.

Our Employees

Put your confidence into our motivated team and reliable technology. We strongly believe that only dedicated employees create a basis for innovative products, which leads to a positive customer experience and guarantee long term success. Today, we are happy to acknowledge that we are moving towards our goals quickly and effectively, thanks to our team of professionals that are filled with high energy, a desire for action, and compassion for our telecommunications.